Chaudhary, R. C.; Mishra, S. B. and Gandhe Abhay 2014. Development of Kalanamak Rice and Technology Transfer to Farmers for Convincing Politicians for Organic Rice and Biofortification of Zinc and Iron through it. International Conference on Scientific Knowledge Transfer into Politics and Society, University of Bonn, Germany. Abs.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2014. Augmenting Traditional Knowledge for the Nature Conservation and Nutrition Security in eastern part of India. International Knowledge Sharing and Summer School Workshop. Organized by DAAD Germany and University of Chiangmai, Thailand. Abs.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2013. Conserving crop biodiversity and promoting organic production of traditional rice in eastern U. P., India. In: Millennium Goals and Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation in India. G-A University, Goettingen, Germany and JNU New Delhi, India; 17 -25 April 2013. Abs.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2012. Inclusive growth in agriculture in India: In: Role of cost and management accountants in inclusive development of the nation with special emphasis on Purvanchal. Institute of Cost Accountants of India’ pages 20 -29.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2012. Examining increasing rice demand trends in East Africa. Africa Rice Outlook 2012, Cape Town, South Africa, pp 56.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Mishra, S. B. 2010. Collection of unique rice germplasm from the cradle of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. In: Genetic Resources of Rice in India: Past and Present; Ed. S. D. Sharma. Today & Tomorrow’s Printers, New Delhi, pages: 587 - 594.
Mishra, S. B. and Chaudhary, R. C. 2011. Chlorophyll mutation in M2 as an indicator for recovering useful mutants in rice. Oryza 48 (4): 378 – 379.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Prajapati, S. C. 2007. Rice in its original home: interwoven diversity of rice varieties, agro-ecosystems and farmers in Uttar Pradesh (India). In: Agro-Economical traits of Rice Cultivation in Europe and India. Eds. Aldo Ferrero and Francesco Vidotto, EU – ECCP, Edcioni Mercurio, Vercelli, Italy.
Chaudhary, N.; Chaudhary, R. C.; and Proverbio, L. 2007. The most primitive rice under cultivation by tribal: reality of Boro rice (Oryza sativa L.) of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. In: Geographical Researches on Rice: A Comparative Analysis of Rice Districts in the European Union and India. 177 – 199 pp. Editors Davide Papotti and Carlo Brusa; EU – ECCP, Edizioni Mecurio, Vercelli, Italy.
V. N. Sahai and R. C. Chaudhary 2006. Rajendra Sweta, a new high yielding quality rice variety for Bihar’s irrigated ecosystem. IRRN 3:1, pp. 18-19.
Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 2004. Rajendra Mahsuri 1. A potentially high yielding rice variety for medium and shallow lowland ecosystems of Bihar, India; International Rice Research notes, Vol. 29.1/2004, p. 26.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2002. Consequences of WTO and Geographic Indicators on economics, production, trend and marketing of speciality rices. Proc. World Rice Commerce 2002 Conference; Beijing, China, 16 -18 September 2002; 20 pp
Chaudhary, R. C. 2002. The Rice of Asia and its Contribution in the Alimentary Security in 21st Century. Proc. Second International Rice Conference, Havana, Cuba; 10 –12 July 2002. 26 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Mahyuddin Syam 2001. Development and use of rice production technologies in 21st century and stabilization of rice availability for consumption and export. Proc. 3rd Asian International Rice Conference, Bali, Indonesia. pp 27.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Soe Myint; Khin Than Nwe, and Tin Soe 2002. Retrospectives of rice-based cropping systems in Myanmar for stable food supply. Proc. 20th International Rice Commission Conf., Bangkok, Thailand,. 23 -26 July 2002; 12 pp.
Trillana, N. U., Horie, K. J., and Chaudhary, R. C. 2001. Comparative growth performance of rice and weed (Echinocloa oryzicola) under lowland and upland conditions. Int. Rice Res. Newsn. Vol. 26 (2):
Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 2000. Identification of drought tolerant donors. Oryza. 37 (2).
Chaudhary, R. C. 2000. Exploitation of plant genetic resources: Many tools, Many Rules. Paper presented in “ International Conference on Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Agricultural Production in 21st Century, New Delhi, India, February 2000; pp 12.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Tran, D. V. 2000. Rice supply in the current millennium: Retrospectives of Africa as the future rice bowl for Asia. Paper presented at First South Asia Rice Conference, New Delhi, 16-17 March 2000, IBC Asia, Singapore.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Tran, D. V. 1999. Can Africa be the future rice supplier for Asia ? paper presented at the 5th Asia International Conf., 28 –29 October 1999, Cebu, Philippines, pp 40.
Chaudhary, R.C. 1999. Breeding Rice for Resistance to Diseases and Insect Pests. In : Rice Breeding and Genetics - Research Priorities and Challenges, J.S.Nanda (ed.). Science Publishers, INC, Enfield, New Hampshire 03748, USA. pp. 169-217.
Sahai, V. N., and Chaudhary, R. C. 1999. The flowering behaviour of rainfed lowland rice varieties under field condition. Oryza 36 (2): 108 – 110.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1999b. Ethics and mechanisms to internationalise elite germplasm while still honouring IPR and farmers’right. IN: Proc. 11th Australian Plant Breeding Conf. Vol 2. (Eds. Langrdige et al.) Adelaide, Australia, 119 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1999a. Farmers perspectives to the contribution of the International Networks for germplasm sharing. IN: Proc. 11th Australian Plant Breeding Conf. Vol 2. (Eds. Langrdige et al.) Adelaide, Australia, 70 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Virmani, S. S. 1998. International testing of rice hybrids for yield and adaptability by INGER: prospects and problems. International Rice Res. Newsn. Vol 23 (1): 4 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and M. K. Papademetriou 1998. Retrospectives and perspectives of rice production in Asia and Pacific under the current economic upheaval. 3rd Annual Asia International Rice Conference, 29-30 October ’98, Phuket, Thailand; pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1998. The rights for germplasm and wrongs for crop production sustainability: Perspectives and retrospectives from GATT. Proc. Asian Crop Science 1998, Taichung, Taiwan, 139 – 159 pp.
McLaren, C. G. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1998. Use of additive main effects and multiplicative models to analyze multi-location rice varietal trials. Oryza 33(4): 306 – 318..
Chaudhary, R. C. and Krishnaiah, K. 1996. Impact of IRRI’s global INGER program on rice varietal development in India. Proc. India- IRRI dialogue, October 1996, New Delhi, India, pp. 43.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Virmani, S. S. 1996. International testing of rice hybrids for yield and adaptability by INGER: Prospects and problems. Proc. International Symposium on Hybrid Rice, Hyderabad, India, IN: Hybrid Rice in India (in press), pp. 2.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1996. Internationalization of elite germplasm for farmers: Collaborative mechanisms to enhance evaluation of rice genetic resources. In: Plant Genetic Resources : Characterization and Evaluation. MAFF, NIAR, JIRCAS Tsukuba, Japan; pp. 221-243.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1996. Use of AMMI and pattern analysis in interpreting genotype X environment (G X E) interaction in multi-environment trials of rice. 29th Rice Technical Working Group meeting, San Antonio, Texas, U. S. A ; pp. 81 - 82.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1996. Twenty years of international efforts in linking centers of diversity and utilization of elite rice germplasm. 29th Rice Technical Working Group meeting, San Antonio, Texas, U. S. A; pp.70 - 71.
Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1996. Shakuntla released for rainfed lowland areas of rice. International Rice Res. Newsn. Vol. 21 (4): 11 - 12.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Movillon, M. M. 1996. Differential genotypic interaction of early and medium duration rice varieties with direct seeding and transplanting methods of evaluation. In: Crop Research in Asia: Achievements and Perspectives (R, Ishii and T. Horie, eds.) Proc. 2nd Asian Crop Sci. Conf.; pp. 228 - 231.
Chaudhary , R. C. and S. W. Ahn 1996. International exchange and evaluation of rice germplasm through the International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice. IN: Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement (M. Cooper and G. L. Hammer, eds.); CAB International Oxon, U. K.. PP. 139 - 164.
Makara, O.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Javier, E. 1995. Conventional and innovative approaches of rice breeding for rainfed lowlands of Cambodia. International Rice Res. Conf. Los Banos, Philippines, 13-17 Feb. 1995, pp. 15 (Mimeo)
Alluri, K.; Chaudhary, R. C and Akinsola, E. A. 1995. Genetic Evaluation and Utilization: Gateway to rice improvement in Africa. American Society of Agronomy, St. Louis, Missouri, U. S. A., Abs. No. C-1009, P. 44.
Chaudhary, R. C. and McLaren, C. G. 1995. Early maturing rice genotypes and analysis of their interaction with the environments in international trials. American Society of Agronomy, St. Louis, Missouri, U. S. A., Abs. No. C-1005. P. 70.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1995. Linking the centers of diversity, evolution and utilization of rice to sustain global rice productivity. IRRI Thursday Seminar, 9 March 1995. Mimeo pp. 24.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1994. Global evaluation of rice genotypes through INGER: Expectations from crop modelling. IN: Applications of Systems Approach in Plant Breeding; SARP Proceedings, DLO Institute of Agro-Biology, Wageningen, Netherlands - IRRI Philippines; PP. 23-30
Chaudhary, R. C. 1994. International exchange and evaluation of rice germplasm through international network for genetic evaluation of rice (INGER). IN: Temperate Rice: Achievements and Potentials. Vol. II. pp. 149-157, Yanco, Griffith, Australia.
Nguyen Huu Ghia.; Chaudhary R, C. and Ahn, S. W. 1994. Sustaining rice productivity in Vietnam through a collaborative utilization of genetic diversity in rice. In: Vietnam and IRRI: A partnership in rice research. IRRI, Philippines - MAFI Vietnam, p. 60 - 72.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Pandey R. K. 1994. Varietal identification for yield and stability in long-term international trials of early rice breeding lines. American Society of Agron. meeting, Washington, U. S. A. 13-18 November 1994. P. 102.
Alluri, K.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Akinsola, E. A. 1994. Broadening horizons of genetic improvement of rice in Africa. American Society of Agron. meeting, Washington, U. S. A. 13-18 November 1994. P. 72.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1994. International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice. In: Discussion AARD - IRRI Collaborative Research and Training Programs for 1993 - 1995. Bogor, Indonesia, p. 78-89.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Sarom, M.; Makara, O. and Hel, P. K. 1993. IR-Kesar: a brown plant hopper (BPH) resistant variety for Cambodia. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsn. Vol. 18 (4): P. 19
Alluri, K.; Chaudhary, R. C., and Akinsola, E. A. 1993. Building bridges for rice improvement in Africa through international collaboration. American Soc. Agron meeting, 7 - 12 November 1993, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Chaudhary, R. C. and Mishra, D. P. 1993. INGER, germplasm and Cambodian rice farmer: A fruitful encounter. American Soc. Agron meeting, 7 - 12 November 1993, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Chaudhary, R. C., Makara, O., Hel, P. K. and Sophol, S. 1993. Upland rice varieties Sita and Rimke released to farmers in Cambodia. Internatl. Rice Research Newsn. Vol. 18 (3): 22 - 23.
Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1993. An attempt to develop male sterile lines in photoperiod-sensitive rice cultivars of Cambodia. Internatl. Rice Res. News. 1993, Vol. 18 (2): P. 9-10.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Sahai, V. N. 1993. Collecting, evaluation and conservation of Cambodian rice germplasm. FAO / IPGRI Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 96: 59 - 63.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Khush, G. S. 1993. Breeding varieties for sustainable rice production in Cambodia. In :Focused Plant Improvement; Towards Responsible and Sustainable Agriculture. Vol. 2, pp. 61 - 62. Proc. 10th Australian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, 18 - 23 April.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Puckridge, D. W. 1992. Deepwater trials in Cambodia. In Deepwater and Tidal Wetlands Rice Vol. 19: P. 5. February 1992.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Fujisaka, S. J. 1992. Farmer participatory rainfed lowland rice varietal testing in Cambodia. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1992 Vol. 17 (4): 17 August 1992.
Sahai, V. N.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Sin, S. 1992. Screening of rice germplasm against natural flooding in Cambodia. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1992 Vol. 17 (4): 11, August 1992.
Sahai, V. N.; Saran, S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1991. A study of commercial exploitation of heterosis in rice. Oryza 1991. Vol. 28 (1): 27 - 30.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1991. One out of the other three: Reflections from Cambodia. IRRI Special Seminar, May 16, 1991, International Rice Research Institute, pp. 17 (Mimeo).
Chaudhary, R. C. and Sahai, V. N. 1991. Collection, evaluation and preservation of Cambodian rice germplasm. American Society of Agronomy Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. Abs. P. 204.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Sovith, S.; Hel, P. K.; Sarom, M. 1991. Screening of rice varieties and advanced breeding lines in Cambodia for resistance to gall midge (GM) Orseolia oryzae. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1991. Vol. 16 (5): 13-14, Oct. 1991.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Sarom, M.; Sovith, S. 1991. Three new varieties of short duration rice released in Cambodia. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1991. Vol. 16 (4): p. 15 - 16.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1991. The Cambodian Rice Gene Bank. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, IBPGR Newsletter No. 5 P. 4. February 1991.
63 Saran, A. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1984. Performance of IR 36 in Bihar, India. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1984. Vol. 9 (1): 3.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1990. Designing and executing a rice varietal improvement program for Cambodia. Agron. Society of America meeting, San Antonio, Texas, U. S. A., 19 - 26 October 1990. Abs. P. 55.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Khush, G. S. 1990. Breeding rice varieties for resistance against Chilo spp. of stem borers in Asia and Africa. Proc. First International Symposium on the Stem Borer, Chilo. Insect Sci. Applications., 1990. Vol. 11 (4/5): 659 - 669.
Ghosh, S.; Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1989. Screening rice varieties for seed dormancy. Seeds and Farms. 1989. Vol. 15 (4): 14.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1989. Designing a rice improvement program for Cambodia. Saturday Seminar, IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, 14 April 1989. pp. 20.
Chaudhary, R. C. and John, V. T. 1988. Occurrence of bacterial leaf streak (BLS) in Nigeria. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1988 Vol. 13 (3): p. 30.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1988. Increased rice production in Funtua-Maigana belt of Kaduna Agricultural Development Project: A success story. In: Rural Development in Nigeria. 1988 Vol. 3 (1): 50 -57.
Sahai, V. N.; Saran, S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1987. Hybrid rice research in Bihar, India. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsl. 1987 Vol. 12 (2): 23.
Tomar, S. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1987. Biochemical basis of grain dormancy in rice. Genet. Agrar. 1987. Vol. 41 (2): 193 - 200.
Sahai, V. N.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Saran, V. N. 1986. Isolation of fertility restorers and maintainers for cytoplasmic genetic male sterile line. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsl. 1986 Vol. 11 (5): 14.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Mohanty, H. K. 1986. Breeding for submergence tolerance in rice in India. In: Progress in Rainfed Lowland Rice. IRRI, Los Banos. 1986. P. 191-200.
Saran, S.; Sahai, V. N.; Chaudhary R. C.; Sinha, B. N. 1986. Janki - a stable rice variety for rainfed lowlands of Bihar. Oryza. 1986. Vol. 23 (4): 265 - 266.
Sahai, V. N.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Saran, S. 1986. Heterosis on grain quality characters of some hybrid rices. Oryza. 1986. Vol. 23 (3): 182 - 184.
Sahai, V. N. Chaudhary, R. C. and Saran, S. 1986. Isolation of restorers and maintainers for cytoplasmic - genetic male sterile line. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1986 Vol. 11 (5): 4.
Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1986. Root systems in hybrid rice. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1986. Vol. 11 (5): 13.
Sahai, V. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1985. Heterosis in quality characters of hybrid rice. Paper presented at International Rice Genetics Symposium held at IRRI, Philippines, May.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Nanda, J. S. 1985. Approaches to the development of the wetlands : Projects in Nigeria. In: The Wetlands and Rice in sub-Saharan Africa. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1986. p. 267 - 274.
Tomar, S. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1985. Genetic control of Ribonuclease I activity in the tall and dwarf cultivars of rice. Oryza. 1985. Vol. 22 (2): 102 - 106.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Mishra, D. P. 1985. Standardization of parameters for seed production technique in hybrid rice. Seed and Farms. 1985. Vol. 11 (7): 9 - 14.
Nanda, J. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1985. Strategies to boost rice production programs and role of ADPs in Nigeria. In: Rice Production in Nigeria. FACU, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1985, p. 139 - 150.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Nanda, J. S. and Oputa, C. O. 1985 Overview of the special rice production programs and role of ADPs in Nigeria. In: Rice Production in Nigeria. FACU, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1985, p. 11 - 18.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Nanda, J. S. 1985. Rice production strategies in Nigeria. In : Rice Production in Nigeria. FACU, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1985, p. 2-6.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Sahai, V. N. 1985. Studies in fertility restoration in cms lines of rice. First International Rice Genetics Symposium, 27 - 31 May 1985, IRRI Los Banos , Philippines, pp. 1.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Mishra, D. P. 1984. High recovery of useful hybrid mutants in a lowland variety of rice. Rice Genetics Newsletter November 1984, Vol. 1. P. 135.
Chaudhary, R. C. ; Sahai, V. N. and Saran, S. 1984. A probable new male sterile line of rice with cytoplasm from boro rice of Uttar Pradesh, India. Rice Genetics Newsl. 1984. Vol. 1 :104.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Roy, B. 1984. Development of better rice production technology for rainfed lowland areas of Bihar. AICRIP Workshop, Bhubneshwar, Orissa, India, 13 -1 6 April, 1984, pp. 14 (Mimeo).
Chaudhary, R. C. 1983. Occurrence of rice yellow dwarf disease of rice at Patna (Bihar) India. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1983. Vol. 8 (6): 11.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1983 Concept of plant type for rainfed lowland rice in India. Proc. Task Force Meeting on Rainfed Lowland Rice in India. ICAR - RAU , Patna, 12 -14 November 1982. pp. 20 (Mimeo).
R. C. Chaudhary, S. Saran and V. N. Sahai 1983. Kum Lagat Mai Adhik Upaj Dene Wali Dhan Ki Nai Kisem – Jaishree (in Hindi), Kheti, No. 6, 16-19 Sept., 1983.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Ghosh, S.; Saran, S, 1983. Correlated response of developmental traits on photo and thermo-sensitivity in rice. Oryza. 1983. Vol. 20(4): 243 - 246.
Roy, B. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1982. Increasing the efficiency of fertilizer in rice in Bihar. KAI Workshop, November 1982, Saharasa, Bihar, India. pp. 10(Mimeo).
Chaudhary, R. C. 1982. Varietal improvement for rainfed lowland rice: A futuristic review. ICAR - CRRI - BAU Symp. on Maximizing and Stabilizing Production of Rainfed Rice. CRRI, Cuttack, 23 - 28 February, 1983. pp. 24 (Mimeo).
Chaudhary, R. C.; Virmani, S. S. and Khush, G. S. 1982. A pseudo grain on a cytoplasmic male sterile rice line. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1982. Vol. 7(): 3 - 4.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Roy, B. 1982. Constraints to high rice yields in Bihar: Current status. Proc. Symp. IRRI - Ford Foundation Workshop on Constraints to Rice Yields in Eastern India, 9 - 10 November 1982, Calcutta, India, pp. 12.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Khush, G. S. and Heinrichs, E. H. 1984. Varietal resistance to stem borers of rice in Asia. Insect Science. and Applications. Pergamon Press, NY, 1984. Vol. 5 (6): 447 - 463.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Mishra, D. P. 1982. Production and cost of breeders seed of rice ; A case study. Seeds and Farms 1982. Vol. 8(6): 19 - 21.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Khush, G. S. and Virmani, S. S. 1982. Hybrid and composite breeding approach for rainfed lowland rice. IRRI Saturday Seminar, 9th January, 1982. IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines. pp. 46 (mimeo).
Chaudhary, R. C.; Vergara, B. S. and Lopez, F. S. 1982. Breeding of photoperiod sensitive wetland rices by male sterility facilitated composites under rapid generation advance system. In : Deep Water Rice Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand,- IRRI, Los Banos, Philippines, 1982. p.309 - 314.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Heinrichs, E. A. and Khush, G. S. 1981. Increasing the level of resistance against yellow stem borer through male sterile facilitated recurrent selection in rice. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1981. Vol. 6 (5): 7 - 8.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Virmani, S. S. and Khush, G. S. 1981. Patterns of pollen abortion in some cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile lines of rice. Oryza. 1982. Vol. 18(4): 140 - 142.
Virmani, S. S.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Khush, G. S. 1981. Current outlook on hybrid rice. Oryza. 1981. Vol. 18(3): 67 - 84.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Fischbeck, G. and Schwarzbach, E. 1981. Quantification of induced resistance by a virulent race of Erisiphe graminis f. sp. hordei, against its virulence race. Phytopath. Z.1981. Vol. 108 ; 71 - 79.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Khush, G. S. and Mew, T. M. 1981. Breeding strategy for resistance to bacterial blight of rice. International Rice Research Conference, 27 - May 4,1981. IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. pp. 35 (Mimeo).
Chaudhary, R. C.; Sahai, V. N. and Saran, S. 1980. Kneeing ability test of promising deep water selections in rice. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1980. Vol. 5 (5): 12.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Ghufran, S. M. 1980. A new bacterial disease of rice. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1980. Vol. 5 (2) : 11.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Kohli, N. S. 1979. An X-ray technique to screen sun cracks in rice grains. Internatl. Rice Research Newsl. 1979. Vol. 4 (5): 7 - 8.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Chauhan, J. S. 1979. Note on isozyme pattern of monogenic recessive vegetative mutant in rice. Proc. Symp. Role of Induced Mutations in Crop Improvement. Sept. 10 -13, 1979, BARC -OU Hyderabad, Abs. pp. 61.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1979. Increasing the mutagenic efficiency of EMS in rice. Proc. Symp. Role of Induced Mutations in Crop Improvement. Sept. 10 - 13 , 1979. BARC - OU Hyderabad, Abs. P.60.
Singh, B. N. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1978. Majhera 3 , a drought tolerant variety. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsl. 1978. Vol. 4(1): 9.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1979. Productive mutants in scented rices in Uttar Pradesh. Proc. Symp. Role of Induced Mutations in Crop Improvement. Sept. 10 - 13,1979. BARC - OU Hyderabad, Abs. P.60.
Panda, A. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1978. Inheritance of resistance to bacterial blight disease of rice. Oryza. 1978. Vol. 15(2): 194 - 200.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Singh, H. 1978. The gamete elimination method of breeding for stress resistance. Interatl, Rice Res. Newsl. 1978. Vol. 3(6):7
Chaudhary, R. C. and Singh, H. 1979. Notes on effect of different drying procedures on head rice recovery. Pant. J. Res. 1979. Vol. 4(1):
Chaudhary, R. C. 1978. Breeding rice varieties for resistance to diseases. In: Proc. National Symp. on Increasing Rice Yields in the Kharif, Central Rice Institute, Cuttack, 8 -11 February 1978.P.95 - 114.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1977. Breeding rice for resistance to bacterial leaf blight disease. Proc. Symp. Golden Jubilee Cel. Rice Research Station, Pattambi, Kerala, India, Dec. 1977.
Panda, A. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1978. Inheritance of resistance against bacterial leaf blight disease of rice. Oryza. 1979. Vol. 15(2): 194-200.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Nanda, J. S. and Malik, S. S. 1978. Note on chimeric structure of rice plant. Pant. J. Res. 1977. Vol. 3(2): 268 -269.
Nanda, J. S.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Singh, B. N. 1977. Collecting rice germplasm in Uttar Pradesh hills of India. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsl. 1977, Vol. 2(3):2
Nanda, J. S.; Singh, D./ P. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1977. Bacterial leaf streak disease of rice. IL RISO, 1977. Vol. 26. 235-242.
Dwivedi, J. L.; Nanda, J. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1977. Efficiency of early generation selection in yield and yield components in rice. Pant. J. Res. 1977. Vol. 2: 141-143.
Nanda, J. S.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Rana, O. S. 1977. Field resistance for blast in rice collections from Kumaon hills of U.P. Sci. and Cult. 1977. Vol. 43: 343-345.
Nanda, J. S.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Rana, O. S. 1976. Blast resistance in cold tolerant boro rice in U.P.. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsl. 1976. Vol. 1 /76:10-11.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Schwarzbach, E. and Fischbeck, G. 1975. Differences in sporulation as a quantitative measurement of mildew resistance in barley. Proc. Third International Barley Genetics Congress, Munich, West Germany 7 -12 July 1975, pp. 456-463.
Nancharaiah, D.; Nanda, J. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1974. Genetics of some characters associated with yield in dwarf rice. Indian J. agric Sci. 1974. Vol. 44: 736 - 740.
Nanda, J. S.; Singh D. P. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1974. Note on the genome status of Oryza collina (Trimen) Sharma et Shastry. Indian J. agric. Sci. 1974. Vol. 44 ; 172 -1 73.
Nancharaiah, D.; Nanda, J. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1973. Genetics of yield and yield components in dwarf rice. Indian J. agric. Sci. 1974.
Mishra, K. N.; Nanda, J. S. and Chaudhary R. C. 1973. Correlation path coefficient and selection indices in dwarf rice. Indian J. agric. Sci. 1973. Vol. 43 ; 306 - 311.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Khanna, K. R. and Gupta, M. N. 1973. Induction of mutation in tomato by gamma rays. Second Congress SABRAO , New Delhi 1973 pp. 92.
Khanna, K. R. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1972. The nature of gene action and combining ability of vegetative characters in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Euphytica 1972. Vol. 23 : 159 - 165.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1973. Exploitation of heterosis in tomato. IV. Vegetative characters. Allahabad Farmer 1973. Vol. 47 :71 - 83.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Khanna, K. R. 1973. Exploitation of heterosis in tomato. III. Earliness. Allahabad Farmer 1973. Vol. 47 : 87 - 90.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Khanna, K. R. 1973. Exploitation of heterosis in tomato. I. Total soluble solids. Krishi Anusandhan Patr. 1973 Vol. 1 : 19 - 24.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1973. Summer tomatoes in north Indian plains. II. Problems of small and variable fruit size. Indian J. Agric. Res. 1973. Vol. 1 : 63 - 68.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1973. Summer tomatoes in north Indian plains. I. Problems of fruitlessness and parthenocarpy. Bh. Krishi Anusandhan Patr. 1973. Vol. 1 : 39 - 44.
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Chaudhary, R. C.; Dubey, D. N.; Chaudhary, Nisha and Prajapati, S. C. 2005. Socio-Economic impact of hybrid rice vis-à-vis spread of hybrid rice technology in eastern U. P. Proc. Proc. Zonal Conf. On Hybrid Rice, CSAUAT Kanpur, India and Directorate of Rice Research, Govt. of India, 84 – 97 p.
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Mukherjee, P. K.; Chaudhary, R. C.; Arya, S.; and Ilangantileke, S. 2003. Sweetpotato a possible solution for combating vitamin A deficiency: A clinical health problem in South and West Asia. CIP News Letter Vo. 6 (1): 6 – 7.
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Chaudhary, R. C., Reddy, A. P. K., Balasubramaniam, V. and Roy J. K. 1998. Partnership internationally: An overview of India’s experiences in rice research. IN: Rainfed Rice for Sustainable Food Security (S. K. Mohanty et al. Eds.), Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, India, 483 – 509 pp.
Bartolome, V. I.; McLaren, C. G.; Ynalvez, M. A.; Virmani, S. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1996. Comparison of variability and GXE interaction in hybrid rice. Phil Crop Science Soc. pp. 11.
Chatterjee, S. D., Singh, R. K., Thakur, R., Chaudhary, R. C., Rao, U. P. and Pathak, A. K. 1996. Exploiting boro rice potential for increasing rice production in deepwater areas of eastern India. Proc. India- IRRI dialogue, October 1996, New Delhi, India, pp. 33.
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Chaudhary, R. C.; Nanda, J. S. and Nagendragupta, T. B. R. 1974. Stability of performance of some rice strains in Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Genet. and Pl. Breeding. 1974. 34a : 1157 - 1161.
Roy, J. K.; Mehra, K. L.; Borthakur, D. N.; Chaudhary, R. C. and Hamdani, A. R. 1975. Collection, maintenance and utilization of genetic resources in rice. : A Status Report for India. Proc. Symp. IBPGR - IRRI Workshop on Conservation of Rice Genetic Resources, IRRI, 12 -15 December 1977, Manila, Philippines, PP> 54.
Nanda, J. S.; Chaudhary, R. C.; Singh, H.; Singh, J. P. and Singh, B. N. 1977. Two possible new sources of resistance of bacterial leaf blight in rice. Internatl. Rice Res. Newsl. 1977. Vol. 2(1):2.
Nanda, J. S.; Chaudhary, R. C.; Singh, J. P.; Singh, H. P.; and Gupta, M. D. 1974. Breeding for quality rice through induced mutation. Proc. Symp. Use of Radiations and Radioisotopes in Studies of Plant Productivity. Pantnagar, April 12 - 14, 1974. pp. 24-32.
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