Chaudhary, R. C. 2014. "Introduction to Plant Breeding". Published by Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2nd Edn. pp. 296.
Chaudhary, R. C., Gandhe Abhay and S. B. Mishra 2014. Revised Manual on Organic Production of Kalanamak Rice (English and Hindi). PRDF, Gorakhpur, India, 64 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2014. Introductory Principles of Plant Breeding. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 2nd Edition; 296 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. ; Gandhe, Abhay; Ray, Anjali; Mishra, S. B.; Sharma, R. K. ; Padale, Kiran and Mal, Pooran 2014. Food Production from Gloden Sweet Potato. PRDF, Gorakhpur, India 40 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Gandhe, Abhay; Padale, Kiran; Sharma, R. K.; Mishra S. B.; Mal Pooran and Ray Anjali 2014. Improved cultivation of Golden Sweet potato. PRDF, Gorakhpur, India, 16 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C., Gandhe Abhay and S. B. Mishra 2013. Manual on Organic Production of Kalanamak Rice. PRDF, Gorakhpur, India, 40 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Dwivedi, J. L., and Singh, J. 2009. Catalogue of scented rices from eastern U. P. U. P. Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow, pp 150.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Nguyen, V. N. 2007b. Manual on Seed Production of NERICA Rice. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO), Kampala, Uganda, 17 pp. (originally prepared and published in English, followed by its translation and printing in Acoli, Dhopadhola, Runyakitara, Luganda, Lumasaaba languages in 2008).
Chaudhary, R. C. and Nguyen V. N. 2007a. Manual on NERICA Rice Crop Production. Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO), Kampala, Uganda, 16 pp. (originally prepared and published in English, followed by its translation and printing in Acoli, Dhopadhola, Runyakitara, Luganda, Lumasaaba languages in 2008)
Chaudhary, R. C. and Win Pe, 2005b. Registered and Certified Seed Production of Chickpea. FAO – UN – MOAI Myanmar, FAO Field Brochure 2005 -6; 42 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Win Pe, 2005a. Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Maize. FAO – UN – MOAI Myanmar, FAO Field Brochure 2005-5; 42 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2005d. Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Rapeseed - Mustard. FAO – UN – MOAI Myanmar, FAO Field Brochure 2005-4; 36 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2005c. Registered and Certified Seed Production of Cowpea (Bocate). FAO – UN – MOAI Myanmar, FAO Field Brochure 2005-3; 39 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2005b. Registered and Certified Seed Production of Black gram and Green gram. FAO – UN – MOAI Myanmar, FAO Field Brochure 2005-2; 46 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2005a. Registered and Certified Seed Production of Rice" 2005. FAO – UN – MOAI Myanmar, FAO Field Brochure 2005-1; 53 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Chaudhary, Nisha 2004. Catalogue of boro rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm from Uttar Pradesh, India. PRDF Gorakhpur, India and UPCAR Lucknow, India, 129 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2002. Global Solution to the Local Problems of Indonesian Agriculture: A co-ordinated Approach". Indonesian Institute of Development, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, pp. 51.
Chaudhary, R. C.; Nanda, J. S., and Tran D. V. 2002. Guidelines for Identification of Field Constraints to Rice Production. FAO Rome, Italy; 75 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Aye Maung 2002. Guide to Control Newcastle Disease of Village Chicken in Rakhine State, Myanmar, FAO – UNHCR, Yangon, Myanmar 70 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. and Tran D. V. 2001. Speciality Rices of the World: Breeding, Production and Marketing; FAO Rome, Italy; 358 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 2001. A Simple Guide to Managing Village Poultry. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, NRS Maungdaw, Myanmar, pp. 53
Chaudhary, R. C. 2001. Certified Seed Production of Black Gram and Green Gram. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, NRS Maungdaw, Myanmar, pp. 44
Chaudhary, R. C. 2001. Certified Seed Production of Cowpea (Bocate). Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, NRS Maungdaw, Myanmar, pp. 36
Chaudhary, R. C. 2001. Certified Seed Production of Rice. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, NRS Maungdaw, Myanmar, pp. 50
Chaudhary, R. C. 2001. Certified Seed Production of Rapeseed-Mustard. Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, NRS Maungdaw, Myanmar, pp. 36
Javier, E. L., Sarom, M., Hel, P. K., Hak, K. L., Puthea, S., Sovith, S., Makara, O., Yadan, H., Sophol, S., Vathany, T., Sidhu, G. S., Mishra, D. P., Sahai, V. N., Chaudhary, R. C., and Ledesma, D. R. 1999. Rice germplasm of Cambodia III. CIAP, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1996. Standard Evaluation System of Rice. (4th Edition), IRRI, Manila, Philippines, pp. 52
Sahai, V. N.; Chaudhary, R. C.; and Sin, S. 1992. Rice Germplasm Catalogue of Cambodia II. 1992b. International Rice Research Institute, Cambodia - IRRI Rice Project, P. O. Box 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 103 pp.
Sahai, V. N.; Chaudhary, R. C.; and Sin, S. 1992. Rice Germplasm Catalogue of Cambodia. 1992a. International Rice Research Institute, Cambodia - IRRI Rice Project, Phnom Penh, P. O. Box 1, Cambodia. 272 pp.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1988. Growth points of Rice Production in Northern Nigeria: A Terminal Report, 1988, Federal Agricultural Coordinating Report, Ibadan, Nigeria, pp. 63.
Chaudhary, R. C. and John, V. T. 1988. Problems and Prospects of Rice Production in Northern Nigeria: A second study tour report, 1988. FACU Kaduna - IITA Ibadan - NCRI Badeggi, Nigeria. pp. 33 + 7 illustr.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1988. Principles and Practices of Weed Control in Rice Production in Nigeria. 1988. FACU Ibadan, Nigeria, pp. 90 + 16 illustr.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1988. Cropping pattern survey of Kaduna and Katsina states of Nigeria using a quick survey methodology. 1988, FACU Kaduna, Nigeria, pp. 100 + 10 illustr.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1987. Present Status and Prospects for Rice Production in Kaduna and Kano States of Nigeria: A study tour report, 1987, FACU Kaduna - IITA Ibadan - NCRI Badeggi, Nigeria pp. 17 + 4 illustr.
Chaudhary, R. C. 1987. Increased Rice Production in Funtua Maigana belt of Kaduna and Katsina States of Nigeria: A success story, 1987. FACU Regional Office, Kaduna, Nigeria, pp. 24 + 6 illustr...
Chaudhary, R. C. and Nayak, P. R. 1987. Genetics and Breeding for Blast and Bacterial Blight Resistance in Rice. In : Advances in Rice Pathology, TNAU - ICAR New Delhi, 1987 pp. 1-35.
Oputa, C. O.; Nanda, J. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1985. "Rice Production in Nigeria", FACU - Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1985, pp. 189.
Khush, G. S. and Chaudhary, R. C. 1981. Role of Resistant Varieties in Integrated Pest Management of Rice. ASPAC - Food & Fertilizer Technology Center, Taipei City, Taiwan, August 1981, Extension Bulletin No. 162, pp. 13.
Nanda, J. S.; Chaudhary, R. C.; 1977. "Germplasm of Boro Paddy (Oryza sativa) from Uttar Pradesh, India, Published by Directorate of Experiment Station, G. B. P. U. A. T. Pantnagar Tech. Bulletin No. 102:1977. pp. 11, Pantnagar, India